Friday, May 18, 2018

Switching from device to manual tugging

     I've been using devices from the beginning. This year marks the 7th year of my restoration journey. I'm around a CI 3 at this point. The changes in sensitivity are great, I love it and I would never go back. I'm thinking there is a more efficient way of restoring though. After reading some online accounts, people have been able to get very speedy progress with manual methods instead of devices:
Since you are a tight CI-1, and you want to see some results soon, my advice to you is to tug the scar line all around your penis for very short periods of time, as many times a day as possible. This is basically what manual method 3 is. It is called cyclic tensioning, and it is very effective way to restore your foreskin. I kept the length of my sessions to 2 minutes, and I tugged hourly from the time I woke up until I went to bed at night. With this very aggressive restoration routine, I managed to go from a CI-3 to a CI-8 within a year. If you can do this type of regiment, you should have at least a CI-3 or 4 by the end of the year.
     It makes sense, giving the skin time to heal. And it fits that general rule of taking it slower and steadier rather than intense, long durations of stretching with the device. I wear my device for 4-5 hours a time, if not for the entire day. I'm now dropping the device, my CAT II Q, and continuing on with this method. Progressing 3 CI levels in one year seems much more effective, and this guy went up 5 CI levels with more frequent manual tugging!

Till next time.

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